The Spring Witch


Can you feel the call of Spring?

Yes, the stirring of life beneath the frozen surface has slowly but surely started!

You feel like you are waking up from your slumber, and need help making use of this gentle, yet powerful energy...

Well, look no further!

The Spring Witch is a deep dive into the archetype of each season of the Spring, and what it means for YOU, so you can discover Magic YOUR OWN WAY by (hopefully) getting inspired from my prompts.

In this course you will get a taste of my Spring Magic, diving into the energies of February, March and April and connecting with the corresponding archetype. Seasonal energies have so much impact on our psyche, our mind-body-spirit, and living in tune with them can open up a whole new world of understanding, accepting and nourishing yourself.

Why is February included in a course about Spring?

I believe that for Witches Spring starts earlier than for most people. Imbolc heralds that quiet stirring in the womb of earth, when the physical manifestation of spring is nowhere yet to be seen (unless you're in the UK, where you can already feel Spring in the air lol).


  • Three massive colourful PDFs corresponding to February, March and April jam-packed with information about the archetypes (Aquarius, Pisces and Aries), how to connect with their energies for happiness, healing and magic, Tarot tips, journaling prompts, exercises, rituals and so much more
  • Deep dive into the Maiden archetype to begin with in February, as it's such an important energy to embody in order to create your most Magical life and manifest your goals
  • Bunch of tips as well as a masterclass on Venus magic and how to use it in your everyday life coming March
  • In April we will expand our Havingness levels and learn about our True Will. We will meed Enchantress the Spring Witch and discover our erotic feminine power through powerful exercises and meditations.


  • A three part masterclass series on Imbolc season - everything you need to know about the history and lore, connecting to the Maiden archetype and setting your Goals in a way that works
  • A preview of my signature course in May - Week One material from The Art Of Taurean Living, the Self-Love and Pleasure Witchcraft course.

Sounds delicious? Grab it now and thank me later! The price goes up soon!

6 Modules

Bonus - The ultimate Imbolc Masterclass

Re-kindle your passion for life with the help of The Maiden archetype

Part 1 - February: Aquarius & Imbolc

Start seeing the wet and cold February in a new light by deepening into the archetype of the Maiden and re-birthing yourself into Spring

Part 2 - March: Venusian Pleasure Magic in Pisces Season

Use this watery and dreamy month to learn about Venus Magic and practice tender love and care towards yourself!

Part 3 - April: Aries The Enchantress & Rebel Bitch

Enchant your life by working your True Will, expanding your Havingness and embracing your Erotic Feminine Power

Bonus - Week 1 of ''The Art of Taurean Living'' course

Take a sneak peek into my signature program on Taurus Magic in May

Modules for this product 6
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